Have you ever heard of people wandering into their career? Well my next guest did exactly that. She didn’t choose law. Law chose her. But just because the profession found her doesn’t mean that it didn’t come with it’s own set of challenges. Here to share how she is able to thrive as a African American female attorney is Shantia Coley, Esq.
Welcome! I appreciate you sharing your story with me today. It’s awesome to be able to highlight a female attorney who is also a person of color. The statistics show that less than 5% of attorneys are minority women. Was this something the motivated you to pursue a career in law?
I didn’t always want to be an attorney. However, I always knew I wanted to serve people. Starting out, I was a lobbyist for underserved citizens in the Eastern part of NC. I was encouraged to consider law school and pursued a career as a public interest attorney. I have always been inspired by women leaders who served selflessly and tirelessly to break barriers and open doors for other women and people of color.
Speaking of breaking barriers, did you have to break any of your own in pursuit of your career? How did you handle the challenges and overcome them?
As a first generation college student attending a four year university, I had very little resources when I got to campus. It was easier for me to walk away than to persist. However, I sought therapy as a college aged teenager and it helped me tap into my inner strength to push through. Overcoming my fears, anxieties and insecurities is what has opened the doors to where I am today and it feels absolutely amazing to know my own capabilities.
Therapy is not something that is mentioned a lot in most minority communities. How did you make the decision to go despite the stigma that is placed on seeking help and how do you think that impacted your overall ability to successfully complete your program?

I imagine you gained some valuable skills in terms of how to look at situations and how to be more introspective in general. How would you say that your experience with therapy helped you to make peace with any challenges experienced during your journey?
Everyone fails in life. Once you get over that and come to understand and accept it, then you realize the value in failing. Failing not only pushes you to try harder, but encourages you to self-evaluate consistently which is a wonderful tool as we pursue our dreams.
My obstacles, which were always anxiety and questioning myself, taught me to dig deep to find the root of these issues in order to manage and eliminate them. I would tell anyone wanting to be anything to not take lightly the power of therapy.
Amen to that! I know that one of the roles you’ve taken on is to be a professional speaker. Since you have spoken at quite a few events. How do you think sharing your story and encouraging others has helped with your anxiety?
Sharing my story and watching the nods across each room constantly reminds me that I’m not alone and never have been. I have absolutely no anxiety while speaking because it truly is one of my callings in life to be a messenger of transparency and truth. I am often further reminded of that when listeners approach me after my remarks with personal testimonies of their own. It truly is a beautiful process to find a passion and pursue it to its fullest.
Plan of Action:
It’s awesome that you are walking in your purpose! I guess it just goes to show that your challenge can become your calling if you are brave enough to keep pushing through it. What new challenge are you seeking and how do you plan to use your story to encourage others as you do it?
For me the sky is the limit. I am working on a book on stepping out of comfort zones and would love to launch a few mentorship programs. I lend my experience to give people a real story, showing them just how easy it is to achieve dreams by stepping out of our comfort zones.
I’m really proud of you and can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of your book! Thank you so much for sharing with me and my readers!
Be sure to keep up with Shantia on social media and on her website.
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